"PALESTINIAN MADONNAS" are still very current.
On TICINOSETTE, nr.45° (09/11/2012) you can find the interview of FABIO MARTINI and the image of some Madonnas, choosen from the whole artwork, done representing more redesigned Madonnas of the Art History from 1300 to 2006.
Below the whole installation at Officinaarte
Menzione per la scelta della collezione d'arte comune di Chiasso
(for English scroll down)
"Enigma della modernità" allo Spazio Officina a Chiasso
esposizione aperta fino al 9 aprile 2012
photos: candida haritz
Gli affreschi di Tiepolo rappresentano scene di sfarzo e fastosità. Guardare Tiepolo oggi, per me, è pensare a come la ricchezza contemporanea è divisa: una piccola fetta di cittadini privilegiati possiede l’abbondanza, mentre la stragrande maggioranza della popolazione si divide l’iniquo rimanente.
La primavera araba è la reazione a questa situazione per nulla democratica, la denuncia di abusi di potere che si estende su tutto il Mediterraneo.
Le prime tre opere esposte a “Enigma della modernità” sono state definite degli angeli (del web). Angelo significa messaggero, dunque oggi, secondo me, è il blogger. Lavorando plasticamente con tessuti, cucito e filo, disegnando su stoffe che formano cyber-angeli, ho creato dei leggeri oggetti di cotone, dei “vestiti” impossibili da indossare per un umano, poiché le proporzioni del busto sono piccole, infanzia, mentre la lunghezza dell’abito è per una statura molto alta, che non tocca terra e che vola.
I geroglifici contemporanei del web sono il nuovo linguaggio internazionale ricamato sui tre angeli di cotone presentati in forme semplici e lineari, usato in particolar modo sui blog e su social network (chiamati social media).
La quarta opera presentata è un “Putto nero” creato con elegante lucida stoffa scura. Formalmente ispirato dalle baroccheggianti e voluminose pieghe sui vestiti nelle opere di Tiepolo (anche dal Tiepolo nero, dove il tratto duro dell’incisione rende perfettamente il volume morbido degli abiti), il “Putto nero” svolazza portando dentro di sé fotogrammi video, i quali rappresentano scene di manifestazioni durante le rivoluzioni arabe.
I video frame, scelti e stampati su transfer a caldo, sono tratti da YouTube, postati da cittadini anonimi, i quali hanno l’urgenza di pubblicare informazioni su portali virtuali, spazi efficaci per dare voce al singolo individuo, a costo di diventare autori anonimi e perdere il nome e l’identità (ma salvarsi la pelle nei regimi dittatoriali).
Il lavoro pone anche la problematica del diritto d’autore, dove la riconoscenza dell’”Io” diventa più importante del messaggio stesso.
"Enigma della modernità" at the Spazio Officina, Chiasso, open until 9.April 2012
Tiepolo shows in frescos the rich and opulent society of the 1700s. Looking at Tiepolo today means for me to think about how contemporary wealth is shared unfairly: how there is a small number of people who are very rich, and a large number of people who are very poor.
The Arab Spring is one reaction the undemocratic social situation and the abuse of power which extends all over the Mediterranean.
Three artworks shown at “Enigma of Modernity” are angels (of the web). 'Angel' means 'messenger' - that is today for me, 'a blogger'. I also created 'cyber-angels' - drawing with thread and sewing on cloth.
I made a light cotton object which is too small on top to be worn because of the proportions which are very small (reflecting ideas about innocence) and on the bottom, I made it very big and long for someone who doesn’t touch the floor and who can fly. One angel is white, one is light beige and the third is black (matt); coloured drawings complete the still video print which is on cloth and threads are free to twist and leave their own sign on the piece.
Contemporary hieroglyphs of the web are the new international language - these are sewn onto the three angels and are used most of all on blogs and on social networks.
The forth artwork that will be presented will not be an angel, but a “Black Putto” created on black glossy cloth. Formally inspired by Baroque forms, where pleats of cloths are painted like Tiepolo in the coloured fresco and also in the Black Tiepolo where the hard dark sign of the engraving, gives volume and softness to the cloth. The flying “Black Putto” has a still video hidden inside, representing a scene about the Arab revolution.
The video still is printed on cloth after be chosen from YouTube, posted by anonymous citizens who feel the need to show information on this virtual portal, giving voice to the individual, even if becoming anonymous and loosing their name and identity (but staying alive in dictatorial regimes).
Problems regarding copyright are completely turned upside -down, where acknowledgements of “I” is more important than the message itself.
foto: myriam thyes
March 1, 2012 at 6 p.m. opens the exhibition
curated by Francine Mury, Guido Magnaguagno, Aymone Poletti
which will run from March 2 to April 5, 2012.
I'll show new artworks called
"© Anonimous" (Angels)
An angel is a messenger, for me a blogger, today.
My angels are made of cloth and speak about copyright and anonimity in blogs and social network, an ENIGMA OF MODERNITY.
Invited artists:
Aglaia Haritz, Flor Garduño, Elisabeth Eberle, Nici Jost, Penelope Mackworth-Praed, Hektor Mamet, Maya von Moos, Laura Solari with Pierrette Stany, Myriam Thyes and Teres Wydler.
work in progress for 2 exhibitions on 03.2012
I was working for three art exhibition in March 2012. Now I only have two.
It's the first time -and I hope the last one- that an art exhibition is postponed (or deleted?) because of political reasons.
Political is for me civil involvement, is to speak about human beings, is to ask myself in which world I want to live in. For some people, political means party and for sure economic interest. What a poverty!
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