
caught contemplating her work - ©reto albertalli

HELLO! to those visiting for the first time Aglaia's blog! As you can see it reflects her a bit: pink and orange! all languages mixed up! :)
It exists, yet, instead of an official internet page. You'll see samples of her work by clicking on the different links or by scrolling down the page. Don't forget to check her friends pages and feel free to explore each corner of this blog (no risk). We will try to update it with the latest news about her work, her projets and exhibitions. Drop by and say hello once in a while by leaving comments. Enjoy! And contact Aglaia for any matter...
By now she is fully immersed with the "Schüpfen Jetzt Kunst" project. It's snowing outside, here in Berlin!!!


PHOTOS to be seen by clicking (HERE) ©reto albertalli

Finally! FINALLY! Party mood tonight, even doe at 8 pm we still wait for the new "Mitbewohner" to arrive... After all the work Aglaia has put into this, a pretty important gallery in Mitte Berlin, Abel Neue Kunst (infos here), decided the date of an exhibition of Aglaia's Work she did in collaboration with Reto. It's an important goal Aglaia reached through patience and passion, by never giving up! The date is fixed for the 16th of May. Try to be there if you can!!! Now there is some more and very serious work to be done... We'll keep you updated: on this page!



giornale cucito su stoffa, 60x160 cm, 2005